1.What I learned in EDM 310 ...
Blogging - An application that is very useful. You can sit and spread around your thoughts and ideas. You can share videos and instructions on how to do things. I thought back to when I was learning how to blog, and I thought I would hate it, but then when I started doing it actually wasn't that bad. I think blogging is a good way to share kid's thoughts as well. They can use it to help with their writing skills, because you can have people coming by to give them comments to improve. An application where I saw how blogging could be used was in Comment4Kids; some of those blogs were great. I also got some helpful information when I did Comment4Teachers. Comments are as useful as blogging. I really want to implement blogging in my class.
Skype - Another application that is fun while helpful. Skype is a way to talk to people all over the place. Skype has the ability to talk across the world. I noticed in this class that other teachers would use Skype to communicate across the world to another class, and the two classes would interact. I thought that was truly amazing. This application did some of the same things my yahoo and AOL instant messengers did, but this one was ten times better with the connection and video. I will love to be able to implement this in my class; not only to communicate around the world to other classes and teachers, but I could also use it to talk to parents of students in my class, students themselves for questions, and fellow teachers in my area.
Google Applications - Google is a hero in my book. Google has the same ability as the Microsoft products, but Google applications are free! Google has presentations, which is like Powerpoint in Microsoft Office. We used the presentation app. a couple of times in class to do projects, and it was fun to do. I think it will be useful, because not only are you saving memory on your computer, but also you can access the document from any computer anywhere. That means no more "I left my jump drive at home" or "It's on my computer at home," because you can access it from school on a different computer. The other apps are the forum app. that allows you to make surveys, and then it records the responses on a spreadsheet. There is Google documents which is like Microsoft Word and you can type papers or notes. There is also Google spreadsheet, which you can put information. I will be using this application in my class.
PLN -My Personal Learning Network has grown from when I posted about it earlier in the semester. I have added more teachers and students that are becoming teachers. I now have found some every useful information. The information never ceases. You just have to go look and you can find many new things everyday. At first I was not sure of it, but I have slowly grown to like it a little more. I still do not have my PLN at its best but it is a work-in-progress, and I have a good start.
Podcast - Are another application that can be helpful in the class. Kids might not be able to write everything, but they can talk. Kids can use podcasts to communicate and teach other students. I used a podcast to compare different phones, but the possibilities are endless on projects and other opportunities. I want to use this in my class.
I have really noticed that sometimes in this class I was overwhelmed, but I have noticed that I have learned a lot, and I am proud of myself for doing it. I have learned about some wonderful programs and useful information. I am glad I took this class in the long run. I now need to apply what I learn into my classroom.
2. I would have loved to learn how to use a smartboard, but I did learn a whole lot, and I was thrown a lot of information. I don't think there was anytime to really go over any more things. We learned a lot in a very short time. I thought it was overwhelming, but I appreciate it now.
3. I don't have anything that I know of that i would want to forget. I think everything we did was very useful. Some of them more useful then others, but everything had importance. I believe that I have learned a lot and I believe that I can still learn more. Everything has a value somewhere and we can use it and try to find its value or never know what its true value is because we don't try to use it.
4. I have to say there were a few assignments that excited me and I enjoyed doing them. I have to say I enjoyed the Comment4Kids. I liked going and seeing what they were thinking or talking about. I think also that comments will help them in the long run. They can improve on there writing by corrections and critiques. I do say that the blog was a fun thing to do. I do want to see if I can keep up with my professional blog and maybe have a class come and look at my blog to read how my first year of teaching was. I think that my blog will also show all the project that I accomplished through the year.
5. This class was challenging. There was a lot of things you had to learn then turn around in apply in a short amount of time. There was always a post or project needing to be done, but it turned out in the long run. The hardest application was Google Earth. It was hard to get to work and keep it working. Plus the steps to get it to work was also hard to accomplish.
6. This class was never boring, because you always could be doing something.
7.I say organizing the instructions for each project with he project would help. I also think that if we could be able to tell if we are on the right track. If we are actually doing the projects like you want. I did the projects, but I am not sure if they were done like you wanted and if I did them right and got the grade. So if we could get the grade from the assignments that would help.
8. I think I am more Technologically literate then I was at the beginning of this class, but I still think I need to learn more to say I am great. I say I am about average.
9.Hopefully I can learn from my PLN and keeping messing around and experimenting with he resources you have given me. I think it will take playing and experimenting to learn more. I am a teacher so I am suppose to continue to learn.
"Comments are as useful as blogging." Absolutely. Mr. C taught me this. In fact, I often think it is MORE important than blogging!
ReplyDelete" I really want to implement blogging in my class." Wonderful. Be sure you participate in comments4kids.
I never sensed you were "overwhelmed"! You always appeared to be ahead of the curve!
Do keep up with your Professional Blog. It can open doors for you. And regular reflection on your work as a professional is critical!
"I say organizing the instructions for each project with he project would help." I agree and I am working on that.
Grades. UGH. The question is "Are you learning?" If so, just plow ahead. (At least in my course)!
Best wishes. And many thanks for your excitement about what we were doing as well as for your commitment to learning!